When visiting characters at the Disney theme parks do you find yourself in an awkward position not knowing what to say or do? Well your not alone because it happens to most. Who wants to wait on a line for 30+ minutes only to say hi and bye to your favorite character... Not me!!! I'm here to help you with some fun tips and tricks when going to character meet in greats at the parks!
I worked for the Walt Disney World Company for 2 years. I was lucky enough to spend one year with the entertainment department working with some of your most beloved characters. Working for Walt Disney World and being around the characters really helped me making sure my interactions were always a blast, and taught me what to do when meeting them.

Here are some of my pro tips to making the most out of your character interactions!
Always be camera ready:

When meeting characters I'm sure you've heard your character attendants (the people dressed as blueberry's and yes thats what we call them in entertainment) ask to have your cameras in hand and autograph books open. Trust me they are not just saying this for fun, By taking a second to be camera ready it can assure a smooth interaction. Not only do the attendants appreciate it but so do the characters! So when you are about five people from the front of the line my first tip is to make sure you have your camera, autograph book and bag in hand, Ready to hand over to the attendent or ready to place by the door as soon as you walk up. This will start your character interaction off on the right foot, and the photographers will be able to snap some awesome pics of you walking up to your favorite friends! Of course when I say be camera ready it can also mean to take a minute to fix your hair or makeup and put your favorite ears on if there not on already! I always suggest doing these things when your about three to five people from the front of the line.
Fun things to bring:

So as I mentioned earlier, when I meet my favorites I like to make it known to them that they are my favorite to ensure an extra special interaction. Some things you can bring or items that you may have on you could bring some extra magic. Here are some examples... Iv'e noticed the characters love my Polaroid camera, they love to watch the picture develop and "shake it like a Polaroid picture" with you. Magic bands,
t-shirts, ears with your characters on it are also super special and make them feel the love! In the picture above you can see Donald freaking out over my magic band bow that had his face on it. You can bring special things for them to sign on like a frame or in a story book. Simple things like this always add magic to the meet and greets.
Feel Out the Character:

Next up is feeling out the character, by this I mean watch how the character your waiting to meet is interacting with other families. Are the interactions before you moving super fast or slow? If they are moving fast your character may not be in the most talkative mood, and thats okay it happens. Try and make the most go in for that big hug and smile big! But if they are taking there time to make those interactions extra special heres your chance to have some fun. This is when you should ask a question or tell a story.. just be you, keep reading for some tips on how to talk to a character!
Talk to the Characters:

Even though some of your favorite friends cant talk back they have a lot to say! This is why my my most important tip is to start a conversation and feel comfortable doing it. If you arent fluent in character talk, the attendents normally help communicate what the characters are trying to say as well. This is your chance like I mentioned earlier to tell the character if their your favorite, to show off that magic band or t-shirt. Most of the time they freak out! I always have amazing Buzz Lightyear interactions because I tell him how much I love him, and show off all my stuff of his. Here are some of my favorite interactions even though its so hard to pick!
You can also ask the characters to tell you a story, start by asking a simple question. If your in Story book circus stop by Pete's Silly Side Show and try asking Daisy to tell you a fortune or Donaldo to try and hypnotize you! I love to ask Goofy how he got his motorcycle stuck in the cage. This was one reaction I got!
Finally, Just have fun and be open to acting a little silly with them! Remember Disney is meant to be the place to let your inner child roam free, so don't be scared let loose around the characters.
Characters Interactions are what set you last Disney trip apart from your next. Each time you meet Mickey, Minnie , Pooh or any of your favorites your almost guaranteed to have a unique experience.
Hope you enjoyed these tips on how to better your interactions with the characters. Character interactions always make my Disney trips so special, I hope they can do the same for you!
You can also follow along on my Pinterest to see all my fun character interactions!
Love and Pixie Dust,
Nicole Ashley